As Linux is developed by members of the Internet community, the best place to get help is probably by posting a message to any of the following newsgroups:
For non Linux-specific topics, there are a variety of groups in the comp.* heirarchy that may suit your needs. Here are just a few of them:
There are also several resources on the Web that may be useful. Do a web search for "Linux", or visit any of the following:
There are a myriad of mailing lists that may prove helpful in providing answers to your questions as well. These can usually be found through a simple web search (for example, searching for ``linux raid mailing list'' might help you find mailing lists devoted to RAID issues under Linux). Here are some I recommend; to subscribe to any of these lists, simply send an e-mail message to the subscription address listed with the word "subscribe" in the body of your message:
Description of available Red Hat lists:
Description of available GNOME lists:
Description of available KDE lists:
Subscription address:
Subscription address:
Finally, you may be interested in checking out the following two sites, both of which are my personal "daily must read" favorites. SlashDot covers the latest technology news in general with a definite Linux slant, while FreshMeat provides an up-to-date listing of Open Source applications announcements.